
Thursday, July 11, 2013

For FREE...

If you didn't know...
Adult hip hop is free the whole month of July in honor of National Dance Day (NDD) which is July 27th.
So to celebrate dance the Vault is offering free Adult hip hop to come and learn the NDD dance.
Hip hop is such a blast!!!
Here's a few pictures of this last week and all the party people we love!
 Last night was Mason's last day for two years! Our Mason is headed off to serve an LDS mission in Seattle and we are so proud of him! We will miss you Mason!!!!
 It was a special treat to have Tia and Irene's brother, Adam come and dance with us this last week!
He killed it!
 The whole crew last night! Seriously, it was too much fun!
Our little Libby came back to dance after an absence! We've missed her!!!

So if you want to have an awesome time for free you can find us Wednesday night, 8:30 at the Vault.
(Behind Jimmy Johns on Bluff.)
Hope to see you, and your sister, and your brother, and your mama, and your daddy, and your friend, and your cousin (basically bring everyone).

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